Growing Your Audience:
For Published, Unpublished & Under-published Authors
Instructors: Ann Charles and Jacquie Rogers
May 2 to 27
For Published, Unpublished & Under-published Authors
Instructors: Ann Charles and Jacquie Rogers
May 2 to 27
The publishing industry is morphing every day, and the internet brings a new dimension to the concept of audience. A shotgun approach worked for decades, but this technique becomes more expensive and less viable every month. Today's bad news: no one will find your readers for you. Today's good news: you have more options than ever in history to build your own fan base. Finding those readers who want to buy your book lets you stop wasting time and money, and instead tailor your marketing and promotion techniques directly to them. In this interactive class, you'll learn:
- What writers can do to open new doors
- Reasons and benefits for targeting an audience
- Innovative audience-building techniques used by online marketers
- Specific niches to find your potential readers
- The "Six Thinking Hats" for exploring uncharted possibilities
- How to approach and build rapport with your audience
- Making your website "What's In It For Me"-friendly
The instructors are co-authors of Nail It!: The Secret to Building an Effective Fiction Platform (to be released later this summer), RWA Golden Heart finalists, and co-founders of 1st Turning Point at -- where writers teach, share, and learn about promotion and marketing. Ann Charles won the 2010 Daphne du Maurier Award for Excellence in Mystery/Suspense. Jacquie Rogers won the NOR Award for Sci-Fi/Fantasy Romance and hosts an instructional radio program.
To register for the May "Growing Your Audience: For Published, Unpublished & Under-published Authors" course, click HERE. is the go-to place to learn about all aspects of your writing career, from craft to marketing. Take a look at the other courses!